After School

Enhance your child's knowledge with formal art lessons, at K-6 schools in Washington County. If your school isn't listed, please let us know and we'll work on partnering with it. Be sure to mention to your principal or administrator that you want Artingales after-school.
Generally $132 / six-week session / 2 hr per day
After-school prices vary depending on which session and the fees individual school districts charge to use the facilities. All specific pricing will be listed in the class description on the registration page. Generally, a six-week session meeting once per week for 2/hrs each class runs $132/session. A five-week session $110, and a four-week session $88. Shorter length classes usually run in the same price range but may vary on the number of weeks per session.
Group Workshop

Learn a new creative technique, appropriate for beginners to professionals. Click to find our workshop types and schedules. In addition to on-site teaching, we can come to you for parties, family gatherings, or office morale boosters.
Generally $49 - $150 per person/workshop
Group workshop prices vary depending on the technique being taught, the cost of necessary supplies, and its duration. Individual workshop prices will be listed in the description on the registration page.
You-Host Art Party

Invite your friends and family over for a unique party event to create art in the comfort of your own space. Host(ess) chooses the project from a list of popular options.
$30 per person (Adults)
You-Host Art Party price includes all supplies and equipment, and we provide aprons. It is still sensible to ask your guests to wear clothing that can handle a few accidental color daubs. Minimum number of participants required.
Kids and Teen parties cost less due to different materials used.
Private Lesson

One-on-one or small group private lessons available to spark your child's creativity and technical skill. We will start with the basics and build upon prior knowledge with each additional lesson, with focus on artistic license after foundational skills are set.
$55 / hr (includes supplies & equipment)
Private lessons start with the basics and build up. Please allow 1.5 hours for the first lesson to give time for your child and April to build a rapport and determine the child's or your goals before teaching skills. The additional get-to-know-you half hour is not charged. Discounts available if you'd like to pre-purchase a bundle of hours. To check for availability, contact April by emailing
HOPE Project

HOPE stands for healing our past experiences. Serving children with behaviors and history of abuse, especially those on IEP or behavior plan. This is founder April's dream of making life easier for the students she noticed had the most difficult time conforming to traditional educational settings.
This program is supported through Artingales profits, grants, and generous patrons. See our Patreon account if you'd like to help.

Completely free to qualified participants
The HOPE project serves children with abused pasts without any cost to the children, their families, or schools. After a referral from a SpEd facilitator, foster care agent, or other professional staff, Artingales provides a free four-to-eight week small group class. We teach the children not only the mechanics of art making, but also...
• how to use art as a tool for cathartic expression
• how to hang and advertise an art exhibit of their work
• how to act professionally during the exhibition
• the joy of showing and selling work
• how philanthropy continues the program for others